2 minutes
Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Media Reporting
Bureau for Social Researches (BIRODI) together with organization MEMO 98 from Slovakia conduct the media monitoring project "Support to the objective and professional reporting on corruption", related to the media reporting on corruption and anti-corruption issues.
The goal of the project is to inform the public on media contents related to the various forms of corruption and types of the anti-corruption activities, as well as the ways of media reporting related to those phenomena.
„After the successfully conducted media monitoring during the pre-election period, Bureau for Social Researches continues to monitor and analyze media reporting, but this time related to the reporting on corruption and anti-corruption issues. We recognize the significance of these subjects, which both are present in the media reporting in Serbia, although there is an impression that talk about corruption than about anti-corruption. The monitoring will show if and in what extension the media reporting contribute to the fight against corruption, by investigative journalism or maintaining the integrity of anti-corruption", pointed out Pavle Dimitrijevic, Executive Director of the Bureau for Social Researches (BIRODI).
Media monitoring will last six months, starting from July 1st 2013 until December 31st 2013. During this period, three analytical reports will be presented, each dedicated to the 2-month period.
Media monitoring results and analytical reports will be presented at the web portal www.mediamonitor.rs, together with the information about the project and methodology, and all information related to the monitoring.
 Full press release