3 minutes

Media Monitoring in the Pre-election Period (Serbia)

Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI), in cooperation with the Slovak organization MEMO 98, has been carrying out a monitoring project of the media’s pre-election campaign coverage for the upcoming elections in Serbia which will take place on 6 May 2012. The main objective of the project is to inform the public about the conduct of media during the pre-election campaign and to incite a discussion about the objectivity and quality of the media reporting. During seven weeks of monitoring, BIRODI and MEMO 98 use a jointly developed methodology for quantitative and qualitative analysis of media reporting, with periodic public presentations of the main research findings during the pre-election campaign. The presentation of the final report which will include all aspects of the quantative analysis as well as conclusions with recommendations of the quality of media reporting is planned to take place after the elections.

All relevant information and interim reports can be retrieved from the Internet portal “Media Monitor”

Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) is a civil society think-tank organization founded in 2005 which in the field of social and political sciences conducts applied researches and analyses as well as recommends and implements sustainable solutions for the public, civil and commercial sector. Our mission is to conduct researches in order to enhance democratization and fight against corruption as well as to support civil society organizations’ influence on social development. We create, promote and initiate changes that contribute to a sustainable, democratic, social and economic development in Serbia. For more information, please visit our web site.

MEMO 98 is an internationally acknowledged, independent and non-profit organization that consists of media monitoring experts with 13 years of experience in media monitoring, research and support of civil society development. MEMO 98 is mostly recognized in the field of media analysis and monitoring during the electoral process. Their experts have participated in more than 90 election observer missions throughout the world and have carried out more than 100 projects related to elections in 35 different countries.

[pdf] 1st report
[pdf] 2nd report
[pdf] 3rd report