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18 minutes
Increasing distrust of the media is a problem that could undermine democracy as such – but is it really true? And if so, how do people form opinions in such atmosphere? How do they choose the source and what influences them?
2 minutes
Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) predstavujú rastúcu hrozbu pre slobodu prejavu a verejnú diskusiu. O čo v SLAPP žalobách ide, ako sa na ne pripraviť a ako im čeliť?
Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) predstavujú rastúcu hrozbu pre slobodu prejavu a verejnú diskusiu. Ako im čeliť?
6 minutes
Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are a growing threat to freedom of expression across the European Union, designed to scare journalists and human rights defenders into silence and restrict public debate.
5 minutes
"Our security cannot be the subject of partisan calculations," analysts warn in an open letter.
MEMO 98 supports the statement by of major Slovak media on the kidnapping of Raman Protasevich by Lukashenka's regime