Quality Journalism
In the framework of the project titled Spreading Solutions Journalism to Central and Eastern Europe, MEMO 98, in cooperation with Transitions and Ashoka, organized a presentation for students of the Faculty of Media of the Pan-European University in Bratislava on solutions journalism. The presentation was conducted by Ms. Nina Fasciaux who represents the Solutions Journalism Network in Europe. It was a follow up to the recent visit by Tina Rosenberg, the co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network, in Prague. In the framework of the presentation, Nina explained to students how to understand what solutions journalism is and what it is not, why it is important to have it and how to do it, how to avoid mixing solutions journalism with advocacy, where to find solutions stories and how to vet them.
Nina explained how solutions journalism works giving students concrete examples which included topics such as migration, environment, health issues and corruption. The toolkit for solutions journalism can be found here.
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