The elections to the State Duma (the lower house of the Federal Assembly), which were held from 17 to 19 September 2021, took place against a backdrop of the exclusion of genuine opposition candidates, the general absence of independent media, the...
Exiled opposition politician dominated on Instagram Monitoring of social media during the recent Kazakh parliamentary elections showed that while in political exile, the fugitive former head of Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank and opposition politician Mukhtar...
MEMO 98 is featured in the publication titled “The Many Faces Fighting Disinformation: Safeguarding Civil Society’s Role in the Response to Information Disorders" as an organization monitoring elections in the digital age.
This toolkit was prepared by Rasto Kuzel in cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine with the aim of helping civil society organizations to monitor media coverage during elections
As the world faces its worse pandemic in over a century, there is little doubt where the virus originated and how it spread to the rest of the world. Nevertheless, it has become the subject of a massive propaganda and disinformation campaign,...
Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu v spolupráci s organizáciou MEMO98 zorganizovali vo štvrtok 18. júna 2020 online diskusiu pod názvom Čo môžeme čakať od novej Regulácie Digitálnych Služieb v EÚ?
MEMO 98 and the Slovak media regulator organized a webinar on 14 April at the participation of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Access Now, members of ERGA, representatives of the European Commission, experts on disinformation, journalists, academia, interested
Naša prvá správa analyzovala obdobie od uverejnenia vyhlásenia volieb do NR SR (5.11.2019) do 26.1.2020 a zameriavala sa na Facebook a Instagram, kde sme sledovali aktívnosť (počet postov) ako aj...
Between 1 – 24 November 2019, Global Focus Center, in cooperation with MEMO 98, monitored 102 public Facebook accounts of political parties, candidates, politicians, media, and other in{uential actors involved in the presidential election. The main...
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.