Media Monitoring
Good decision-making depends on people having reliable and accurate facts put in a meaningful context. Given the recent global developments in the media, people are overwhelmed with quantity of information but often skeptical of its quality. Fewer journalists and media consumers separate the important information from the false diversions, and fewer still seem ready to pursue the truth. Media monitoring is an effective tool to hold those who are supposed to be the controllers to account. We monitor media to provide feedback and to initiate discussion about the quality of media reporting and importance of real watchdog and investigative journalism.
We conduct media monitoring, write reports and assessemnts, provide technical assitance and make recommendations to public and policy makers on media & election legislation, international standards concerning the media and the electoral process and democratic governance. Our mission statement is expressed in the slogan "Ensure that all citizens have free access to comprehensive information.”
The primary objective of our monitoring is to evaluate the range of political and social diversity in media reporting. Our methodology of media monitoring originates from the journalism school of the Columbia University, with initial trainings provided to us thanks to support from the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI). In general, our monitoring could be divided into two main categories: election and non-election. The methodology has been proven, tested, and enhanced by our experts in a number of countries of Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Given its comprehensive qualitative & quantitative aspects with content-oriented approach, it is specially designed to provide in-depth feedback on pluralism and diversity in media reporting, including coverage of chosen topics (e.g. integration, minorities, gender, corruption etc.).