V rámci projektu Counter Disinformation Among Vulnerable Populations in Central Europe sme s naším českým partnerom Transitions, okrem iných aktivít (metodický manuál webinárov pre seniorov,...
Together with Reporters Without Borders and Transparency International Slovakia, we appeal to the Ministry of Culture not to give up on important reforms of public broadcaster (RTVS)
Spolu s Reportérmi bez hraníc a Transparency International Slovensko apelujeme na Ministerstvo kultúry, aby pokračovalo v procese ozdravenia verejnoprávnych médií
Spolu s Radou pre vysielanie a retransmisiu a organizáciou Globsec organizujeme webinár, na ktorom budeme diskutovať o tom ako bojovať proti nelegálnemu a škodlivému online obsahu
Mediapoint and MEMO 98, with the support of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), monitored social media in the run-up to the 11 July parliamentary elections in Moldova.
Why did only 6 countries expel Russian "diplomats" after the revelation that Russian GRU agents may have been involved in the Vrbetice explosion in 2014?