The issue offers all topics of the day presented in our Telegram channel "Россия в медиа фокусе" (Russia in Media Focus, @glasnost2022) from 1 to 11 September 2022.
The issue offers all topics of the day presented in our Telegram channel "Россия в медиа фокусе" (Russia in Media Focus, @glasnost2022) from 18 to 31 August 2022.
Выпуск посвящен восстановлению экспорта зерна, критике доклада Amnesty Int. и продолжающимся репрессиям в отношении протестующих против войны.
In this issue (1-14 August), we focus on the restoration of grain exports, a widely criticized Amnesty International report, threats to the biggest Ukrainian power plant and an ongoing repression of Russian citizens protesting the war.
In this week's issue (25-31 July), we focus on the attack in Olenevka detention center, the photo shoot of Zelensky pair for Vogue, and Russia cutting gas supplies to Latvia.