Novinári v roku 2021 ďalej vytrvalo hľadali pravdu, odhaľovali netransparentné procesy a spoločensky závažné kauzy, vyvracali hoaxy a dezinformácie a vysvetľovali problémy s inklúziou v našej spoločnosti.
A group of over 25 media support organizations is launching the Eastern European Independent Journalist Fund to pay for stories produced by Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian journalists who are reporting the truth on the war despite the enormous risks.
The aim of the policy paper prepared by MEMO 98's senior analyst Veronica Laputska was to analyze the Belarusian legislation and practices regulating the media during elections and referenda ahead of the 27 February 2022 Constitutional referendum.
Together with Reporters Without Borders and Transparency International Slovakia, we appeal to the Ministry of Culture not to give up on important reforms of public broadcaster (RTVS)
Spolu s Reportérmi bez hraníc a Transparency International Slovensko apelujeme na Ministerstvo kultúry, aby pokračovalo v procese ozdravenia verejnoprávnych médií
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.