As the world faces its worse pandemic in over a century, there is little doubt where the virus originated and how it spread to the rest of the world. Nevertheless, it has become the subject of a massive propaganda and disinformation campaign,...
The webinar on video-sharing platforms and the future of content regulation took place on June 2020 via Zoom application, and was organised by the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission (Slovak Media Authority) and MEMO98.
Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu v spolupráci s organizáciou MEMO98 zorganizovali vo štvrtok 18. júna 2020 online diskusiu pod názvom Čo môžeme čakať od novej Regulácie Digitálnych Služieb v EÚ?
Viac ako dvadsať rokov sa venujeme monitoringu médií na Slovensku a od roku 1999 najmä v zahraničí. Už istý čas intenzívne skúmame možnosti monitoringu sociálnych sietí, najmä v s...
It is with the utmost concern that we have been observing political scramble surrounding two key documents devoted to a long-term vision of the foreign policy orientation and of the security of our country, namely the Security and Defense Strategy of...
S maximálnym znepokojením sledujeme politický zápas okolo dvojice kľúčových dokumentov dlhodobej vízie zahraničnopolitickej orientácie a bezpečnosti našej krajiny, a to...
MEMO 98 reaguje na zverejnené informácie v súvislosti s interným dokumentom verejnoprávneho rozhlasu Krátke spravodajstvo – pripomenutie zásad. Dokument, ktorý ako prvý...
15 August 2018 was not a very good day. We learned that Bob Norris passed away. Bob worked for the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Slovakia and together with Lisa McLean, Rob Benjamin, Pat Merloe, and others helped activists to observe the 1998...
The organization MEMO 98 expresses sympathy and extends its deepest condolences to the families of the Aktuality.sk reporter Ján Kuciak and his girlfriend. Learning of a premeditated murder is always terrible, however, it is all the more atrocious news w
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.