V súvislosti s rastúcim vplyvom sociálnych médií sa za posledné roky zmenil aj spôsob, ako ľudia prijímajú politické informácie. Tieto zmeny so sebou priniesli aj negat...
Between 1 September and 11 October 2019, Political Accountability Foundation (FOP), in cooperation with MEMO 98, monitored 74 public Facebook accounts of political parties, election coalitions, politicians, media and other influential actors involved in the...
Bratislava, 31. október 2019 - MEMO 98 reaguje na schválenie novely volebného zákona, konkrétne §17 (volebné prieskumy), na základe ktorej sa mení dĺžka moratória na...
Too often we heard about problems in social media discourse during elections when it was too late. Democracy Reporting International, in cooperation with MEMO 98, has been implementing a Civitates-funded project which seeks to significantly step up a...
The symposium brought together policymakers, academics, NGOs and other stakeholders to discuss how to make social media and our democratic discourses more resilient to extremism and disinformation, especially in light of elections. The aim of the COMPACT
The appearance of various types of disinformation and their threat to the integrity of elections have become gradually an issue of global concern. There is a need to have a better definition of problems and terms, and a deeper understanding of the challenge...
MEMO 98, in cooperation with Democracy Reporting International (DRI), organized a workshop “Social media in upcoming elections in Europe: How to monitor them?” which was held on 19 – 20 September 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Brussels, 28 May 2019 - Between 1 April and 15 May 2019, MEMO 98, a Slovak non-profit specialist media-monitoring organization, with the assistance of international experts, monitored 48 public Facebook accounts of parties running in the European Parliament...
Viac ako dvadsať rokov sa venujeme monitoringu médií na Slovensku a od roku 1999 najmä v zahraničí. Už istý čas intenzívne skúmame možnosti monitoringu sociálnych sietí, najmä v s...
MEMO 98 has a long history of exploring the coverage of political subjects and their representatives in the media, both in Slovakia as well as abroad. This report analyses the presentation of the candidates running for president of the Slovak Republic in...
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.