MEMO 98 presents 5 different videos on the Russian war on Ukraine: [Believe them, mothers don't lie]; [Who will pay for the war?]; [Saving private Raccoon]; [Criminals released, words behind bars]; [Russia will become less secure and poorer].
TG channel @nasamomdelemedia presents 6 different videos: [Who is resposible?]; [Kerch bridge]; [Parents of a maniac, take him home]; [Just drown these children]; [Surovikin: We are one nation with Ukrainians]; [Aren't you tired of war yet?].
The issue offers all topics of the day presented in our Telegram channel "На самом деле медиа" (In Fact, the Media) from 10 to 23 October 2022.
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.