We have been working in Myanmar since 2010, providing a series of workshops for NGOs, journalists, and others and most importantly, conducting monitoring of the media coverage prior to elections in 2010 and 2015 respectively. Since 2015, we have been...
MEMO 98: How do you see the new emerging trends particularly related to the role of social media in elections? Do you see it as a problem that needs to be addressed?
Dr. Beata Martin-Rozumilowicz: I think in a number of recent elections,...
MEMO 98: Mr. Haraszti, there is a lot of discussions these days about the role of disinformation and propaganda, how do you see it? Do you see it as a really dangerous trend? Do you see it as really having a potentially negative impact on elections in...
Our expert participated in an annual festival organized by the Italian Public Broadcaster RAI as one of the speakers in the panel titled “The Latest Tools in the Fake News War”, following the opening address by Laura Boldrini, Speaker of the...
MEMO 98 has cooperated with the Prague based Transitions, the Independent Journalism Foundation (Hungary), the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, the Media Initiatives Center (Armenia) and the Linking Media (Poland) on a project called "Debunking...
International media coverage of “fake news” in the 2016 U.S. presidential election has dramatically increased international attention on the role of digital disinformation in elections. While attention has focused on the influence of Russia...
Our experts conducted a two-day intensive workshop in Belgrade from 10 till 12 April to assist the Belgrade-based Center for Research, Transparency, and Accountability (CRTA) in enhancing its existing media monitoring efforts focusing on detecting and...
Thanks to the kind support from CIPE, our expert participated at 2017 RightsCon which is the world’s leading event on the future of the internet. Hosted by Access Now, RightsCon is where the world’s human rights experts, business...
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.