As the world faces its worse pandemic in over a century, there is little doubt where the virus originated and how it spread to the rest of the world. Nevertheless, it has become the subject of a massive propaganda and disinformation campaign,...
MEMO 98: Mr. Haraszti, there is a lot of discussions these days about the role of disinformation and propaganda, how do you see it? Do you see it as a really dangerous trend? Do you see it as really having a potentially negative impact on elections in...
MEMO 98, Open Society Institute Budapest a NOS-OSF Bratislava si Vás dovoľujú pozvať na prezentáciu súhrnnej správy Televízia v Európe: Doplňujúce správy 2008 – Slovensko a Česká...
Bratislava a Budapešť, 21. december 2005 - Po takmer desaťročnom období vysokej politizácie elektronických médií zaznamenala situácia na trhu televízií v posledných rokoch významn...
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.