Odmietame osobné útoky predstaviteľov strán SMER-SSD a SNS voči odborníkov, ktorí sa venujú problematike boja s hybridnými hrozbami a dezinformáciami a ktorí sa zúčastnili informačno-poznávacej návštevy medzinárodných inštitúcií.
Popularitu na Facebooku si Tomáš Špaček buduje vďaka zdieľaniu prokremeľskej propagandy v kontexte vojny na Ukrajine. Sieťová analýza realizovaná pomocou nástrojov Gephi a Crowdtangle však odhalila aj iný dôvod.
Analýzu sme realizovali spätne za pomoci nástrojov CrowdTangle a Gephi v období od 4. do 25. februára 2023, pričom sme sa zamerali na Facebook.
In this issue (1-14 August), we focus on the restoration of grain exports, a widely criticized Amnesty International report, threats to the biggest Ukrainian power plant and an ongoing repression of Russian citizens protesting the war.
In this week's issue (18-24 July), we focus on the Kremlin's efforts to get out of its international isolation (visits by Putin and Lavrov to Iran and Egypt), the grain deal, the Russian attack on Odesa, and Russia's gas supplies to EU.
Between 10-15 May we have monitored Russian state media to detect their main war & propaganda narratives, as well as the independent international media to assess their coverage of the Russian war in Ukraine and anti-war/peace protests.
We launched monitoring of Russian state media sources to detect their main war & propaganda narratives, as well as the coverage by independent international media to evaluate how these outlets cover the Russian war in Ukraine and anti-war/peace protests.
V rámci projektu Counter Disinformation Among Vulnerable Populations in Central Europe sme s naším českým partnerom Transitions, okrem iných aktivít (metodický manuál webinárov pre seniorov,...
Spolu s Reportérmi bez hraníc a Transparency International Slovensko apelujeme na Ministerstvo kultúry, aby pokračovalo v procese ozdravenia verejnoprávnych médií
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.