Rozhodli sme sa zužitkovať naše skúsenosti s monitoringom médií a s pozorovaním volieb v rôznych krajinách a pripravili sme niekoľko aktivít, ktorými by sme radi prispeli k posilneniu informovanosti a integrity volieb na Slovensku.
Popularitu na Facebooku si Tomáš Špaček buduje vďaka zdieľaniu prokremeľskej propagandy v kontexte vojny na Ukrajine. Sieťová analýza realizovaná pomocou nástrojov Gephi a Crowdtangle však odhalila aj iný dôvod.
Mediapoint and MEMO 98, with the support of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), monitored social media in the run-up to the 11 July parliamentary elections in Moldova.
Seoul International Forum on Elections 2021 organized by the National Election Commission of the Republic of Korea focused on the role & responsibilities of social media during elections
We monitored social media platforms to determine their impact on the recent elections in Belarus, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan. Check interviews with three experts to learn what were the three main findings in each country.
Over the course of 22 years, we have conducted numerous monitoring projects in Slovakia and almost 60 other countries aimed at improving the media environment prior to elections, strengthening critical thinking and helping citizens to receive comprehensive...
The elections to the State Duma (the lower house of the Federal Assembly), which were held from 17 to 19 September 2021, took place against a backdrop of the exclusion of genuine opposition candidates, the general absence of independent media, the...
Exiled opposition politician dominated on Instagram Monitoring of social media during the recent Kazakh parliamentary elections showed that while in political exile, the fugitive former head of Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank and opposition politician Mukhtar...
MEMO 98 is featured in the publication titled “The Many Faces Fighting Disinformation: Safeguarding Civil Society’s Role in the Response to Information Disorders" as an organization monitoring elections in the digital age.
A comprehensive infoportal on the 2023 parliamentary elections in Slovakia.